lunes, 17 de junio de 2013




Sánchez Portillo Ángel Donaldo
Japera Mondragón Eduardo
Guerrero Serrano Erick
Granados Morenos Andy
Cubeiro García Eder
Ruiz Córdoba Carlos Antonio
serrato segovia julio
villatoro leon alexis daniel
Ahorro del Agua

In the project we will explain how we can save water using the eslectricidad. Every day people bathe in their house and lot gua is wasted when we step and we can use so we created a method to use water rather efficient engine using as energy transforms electrical energy into people mecanica.Cuando somewhat longer bathe percent of waste to be the drain, which arem with that water is pumped into a 1000 liter tank about the alluda will pump motor with water and that the deal to the toilet since day much water is used in the cups in the bathroom, so with this water is used for toilet and is always red aber a focus on and when the tank begins to fill the bulb lights up one green and so when you finish filling it will return to light the red light.
This project in order to save water using electricity.

Prof. Ma. Guadalupe Olvera Herrera

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